

The word ‘academic’ can mean different things based on where it’s used. Generally, it relates to education or learning, especially in a formal setting. It often describes activities, places, and subjects connected to higher education like universities and colleges.

Definition mentioned in the TKT Glossary:
Things which are connected with education or connected with studying in schools, colleges or universities. For example, in school, maths is an academic subject; playing football is not.

Examples for academic

Academic discipline:
It refers to a specific area of study within higher education, such as physics, philosophy, or sociology.

Academic institution:
It is a school or college that provides higher education, such as Harvard University or Oxford University.

Academic journal:
It is a publication that features articles and research papers written by scholars and researchers in a particular field or discipline.

Academic essay:
It refers to a piece of writing that explores a specific topic or question in depth, using evidence and analysis to support its arguments.

Academic year:
It is the period of time during which higher education institutions are in session, typically from September to May or June.

Academic conference:
It refers to a gathering of scholars and researchers in a particular field or discipline, who come together to present and discuss their work.

Overall, this term refers to anything about formal education or learning, especially in colleges or universities. It involves deep thinking, research, and study.

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Noel Perera TKT Trainer

Meet the Trainer – Noel Perera

Noel loves helping new teachers improve their skills and grow their careers. He has worked with many TKTiers worldwide, guiding them for the exam and enhancing their teaching methods. Ace The TKT holds his knowledge and experience gained over 18 years as an English teacher and trainer.


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